TBS Gartek Condensed
TBS GARTEK CONDENSED TBS GARTEK CONDENSED is a latin based condensed type of font that has a different characters from the previous TBS GARTEK BLACK font, TBS GARTEK CONDENSED has a strong yet sharp looks character, with a post modernism and semi 90's nostalgic, supported by more than 60± accent languages ranging from West, South East, Central Europe and a bit of Vietnamese. TBS GARTEK CONDENSEDis able to complete your current needs who are designing something great. the single DemiBold weight is stunning in Magazine, Posters, Social Media Content, headlines, clothing, large print formats and wherever you want to see it. Inspired by the design styles of post modernism and popular style's nowadays, let's get your project elevate works with TBS GARTEK CONDENSED.
OTF,TTF,WOFF formats